14-Day Curriculum
Day 1 introduces you to our unique approach and tools to prepare you for getting the most out of your course.
Becoming more resilient isn’t easy. There can be several challenges in learning to become more resilient, such as confronting and processing difficult emotions, changing ingrained patterns of thinking and behavior, and facing fear and uncertainty when trying new approaches to coping with stress and adversity.
We begin our course with a reflection on your goals in becoming resilient, and examine some common assumptions we hold that can get in the way of achieving increased resilience.
Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention to the present moment without judgment, and it is the foundation of resilience training. This unit provides introduction to mindfulness that you can apply in the workplace.
Mindfulness is easy to learn, tough to master, but is worth the effort.
Research suggests mindfulness can help individuals become more aware of their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors without judgment, which can lead to a greater sense of acceptance and self-awareness. It can also help individuals develop greater emotional regulation skills, which can be helpful for managing stress, anxiety, and other difficult emotions. Additionally, mindfulness can improve interpersonal relationships, as it can help individuals become more present and attentive in their interactions with others. Lastly, mindfulness can promote overall well-being and a greater sense of meaning and purpose in life.
Emotions serve several functions, including communicating our internal experiences, motivating behavior, and shaping our experiences of the world around us.
Learning about these functions of emotions can help someone better understand their own emotional experiences and how to regulate them effectively. By identifying the function of a particular emotion, one can choose the most appropriate coping strategy to deal with it, leading to greater emotional regulation and a more fulfilling life.
We love our emotions, but sometimes they do make it harder to problem-solve. Learning how to regulate or even change our emotional responses can help you respond more effectively to challenging situations and improve your overall well-being. This unit provides some simple approaches to effectively regulating your emotions.
This unit addresses how to handle distressing situations where our emotional responses are intense. We offer a set of coping strategies that are designed to help individuals manage intense emotions and distressing situations without making things worse.
Sometimes, communications break down at work because we do not have a clear idea of what we want. This unit provides some guidelines for finding clarity, and can help individuals to develop more satisfying and fulfilling relationships, communicate more effectively, and reduce conflicts with others. By identifying and working towards specific goals in their relationships, individuals can increase their sense of control and agency in their interactions with others, leading to improved emotional well-being and better interpersonal functioning.
This unit builds on the previous one by covering battle tested recipes for achieving your relationship goals, whether that be getting what you want, keeping your self-respect, or strengthening the relationship, or a bit of all three.
Emotional validation is a key component of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and refers to the act of accepting and acknowledging a person’s emotions as valid, even if they may seem irrational or overly intense. In DBT, therapists use validation to help clients feel heard and understood, reduce their emotional distress, and ultimately develop more effective coping strategies. By validating emotions, therapists can also help clients build trust and strengthen the therapeutic relationship.
Invalidation hurts. Often, we need to work in places in which emotions are repeatedly invalidated, which can lead us to doubt their own feelings, feel ashamed or guilty for expressing their emotions, or struggle to regulate their emotions effectively. Over time, emotional invalidation can take a toll on a person’s self-esteem, confidence, and overall well-being.
This unit provides tools to deal with invalidation. By learning how to recover from emotional invalidation, individuals can develop skills to manage their emotions more effectively, build stronger relationships, and improve their overall mental health and well-being.
This unit covers the Chain Analysis, a tool that allows you to understand the causes and consequences of their emotional and behavioral reactions in a specific situation, and identify opportunities to change those reactions. It can help individuals break down complex situations into smaller parts, and identify the triggers, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that led to a problem
In this lesson, you will gain a tool for taking care of your physical needs as a foundation for emotional well-being and effective coping. By attending to these areas, you can enhance their overall self-care and emotional resilience.
Our last day is dedicated to tips for diffusing the lessons from this course for others.
What's Included In The Program?
Value-Packed Video-Tutorials
Unlock your potential with our comprehensive resilience course! Our program features concise, engaging videos that provide practical strategies, empowering you to achieve your goals and thrive in the face of challenges.
Easy-to-Implement Scripts and Guides
Not everything goes according to plan, but that doesn’t mean there is no plan. Our course includes scripts and guides that you can follow or adapt to your needs at work.
Practice Material
Yes, practice! Practice is key to developing resilience. We provide resources to make it easy to track your progress, get the new behaviors into your routine, and troubleshoot unforeseen circumstances.
Online Support Community
The learning doesn’t stop with the course material. Within a learning community, participants can continue their growth through ongoing discussions, resource sharing, and access to additional learning materials, ensuring continuous learning beyond the formal course.
Meet Your Instructors
We are active practitioner researchers. We created this course so that our clients could have resources to develop their resilience on their own time without us needing to be there in person.
Course Brief
Resilience is the ability to bounce back or even thrive during hardship. It’s critical for work place: resilient people experience fewer negative emotions and are better able to respond in control in the face of stress, failure, and unmet expectations that are a fact of working life. Resilient individuals learn faster and perform better than their less resilient peers. Resilient people even tend to report finding their work more meaningful!
So few of us are actually taught how to become more resilient. It isn’t particular to any subject in school, and if you’re in the working world your options are limited. Lots of resilience training is theory-heavy and boring. Believe us. We have sat through it. Other programs require hundreds of hours of study, cost thousands of dollars and contain lots of material that isn’t relevant to most people.
Our course is designed for busy people. Our lessons are compact and dynamic, and focus on empowering you to make changes to your behavior. But let’s not kid ourselves: Becoming more resilient takes lots of work. Our course content includes practice exercises and a progressive approach to keep you on track.
Training your resilience can be challenging, but also life changing. Our resilience course provides a great foundation for learning how to manage people. If you’re not able to handle tough times, it will be hard for you to communicate well with others, whether you’re the manager of a bank or a stockroom worker or a run a biotech lab. We’ll be happy to have you on this journey.
Frequently Asked Questions
We set our fees on a sliding scale based on ability to pay. Those in the for-profit sector can expect to pay competitive rates reflecting our expertise, while those in the public sector, NGOs, and those with other needs can expect less.
We are currently gathering expressions of interest. If you want to take the course when it is released, you can sign up here.